

It can take one great idea to get your renovation or new build project started. A picture from a magazine, a pin from Pinterest, or a TV show. We understand the need for inspiration and keeping your home and living spaces looking stylish and welcoming.

We are always hunting for the next great project, from unique storage ideas to the latest colour trends of the year. Our team of experts make it their job to know what is new and tested.

Visit our project pages for inspiration and tips to keep your home looking beautiful for years to come



  • Flexible vinyl ducting
  • Electrical tape
  • Orange paint
  • Hot glue
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Artificial leaves


  1. Cut the ducting to approximately 20″ in length.
    Decorative Vinyl Ducting Pumpkin
    Decorative Vinyl Ducting Pumpkin
  2. Fold the ends of the ducting together and tape the seam.
    Decorative Vinyl Ducting Pumpkin
  3. Paint the ducting orange and let it dry.
    Decorative Vinyl Ducting Pumpkin
    Decorative Vinyl Ducting Pumpkin
  4. Once the paint is dry to the touch, glue a cinnamon stick in the center of the pumpkin.
    Decorative Vinyl Ducting Pumpkin
  5. Glue the leaves around the cinnamon stick.
    Decorative Vinyl Ducting Pumpkin
  6. Enjoy your decorative pupkin!