

It can take one great idea to get your renovation or new build project started. A picture from a magazine, a pin from Pinterest, or a TV show. We understand the need for inspiration and keeping your home and living spaces looking stylish and welcoming.

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  • 1/4″ Dowel cut o 12″ length
  • String
  • Assortment of washers, screws, and nuts
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Glue sticks


  1. Take a piece of string and tie a knot onto each end of the dowel to create a “handle”
  2. Loop pieces of string through the washers and screws. These will hang at the bottom of your wind chime.
  3. Lay out all the pieces of your windchime in the order you want it to hang.
  4. Tie a knot around each piece of hardware.
  5. At the top of each strand, tie a double knot around the dowel so the strand can hang.
  6. Cut the excess string with scissors.
  7. Secure each knot at the top of the strand with a dab of hot glue on the dowel. This will keep the strand in place and prevent it from tangling with the other strands.
  8. When you’re done, your wind chime should look something like this: